Peer Review Process

Sainteks Journal Processing Review Policy:

a. Manuscript Submission Procedure

1. The author creates an account first on the scientific journal page: as author.

2. Authors who have created an account can submit the manuscript that has been made on the submission menu. If there are problems in the suction process, the author can immediately send the manuscript or complaint via email:

3. Authors who have sent the manuscript will immediately receive a notification through the OJS system or email starting from the receipt of the manuscript until the decision is accepted or rejected.

b. Journal Feasibility Assessment

1. Each manuscript that meets the standard writing format will be reviewed by the Review Board in accordance with its area of ​​expertise and will also be checked for plagiarism.

2. Authors are required to revise the manuscript according to suggestions from Bestari Partners and the editorial board within 7 (seven) days, while the rejected manuscripts will be returned to the author along with the reasons for rejection.

3. Determination of whether or not the manuscript is published is determined by the decision of the Journal Editorial Board through the considerations of Bestari Partners which will then be conveyed to the relevant author.