Sainteks: Jurnal Sains dan Teknik 2023-03-28T07:45:56+00:00 Riza Rizkiah Open Journal Systems <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Sainteks</strong></span> is a scientific journal&nbsp;that publishes research papers encompassing all aspects of natural sciences, technology and engineering. This journal is published 2 (two) times a year (March and September) by the Faculty of Engineering UICM d/h UNBAR.&nbsp;The fields covered by the Sainteks Journal include:<br>- Chemical Engineering&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; -Textile Chemical Technology<br>- Industrial Engineering&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; -Science<br>- Textile Industry Technology&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;-Environment</p> <h3>Electronic ISSN : <a title="ISSN Sainteks" href=";1554827858&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2685-8304</a></h3> Changes on Recycling Behaviors Based on Governmental Programs (Study Case in Bendungan Village, Indonesia) 2023-03-28T07:45:33+00:00 Dafi Dinansyah Wiradimadja Hisatsuna Mori Riza Rizkiah <p><em>Environmental problems such as erosion, flooding, are mainly caused by human activities itself. Due to main environmental problems mainly came or originated from man, the solutions or prevention effort to repair the environment, must involve human factors in its planning. In Indonesia in general, including in Bendungan Village, limited insight, lack of skills, poor health, and a low work ethic are all internal factors that cause environmental problems. Furthermore, the lack of knowledge about the environment is one of the causes of the emergence of environmentally destructive behavior that is carried out unconsciously. One of the problems in this village is garbage, people throw garbage into drains and empty land because they are not aware of the consequences of their actions. One solution that exists to solve environmental problems by involving human factors in it is through capacity building, one of which is through a sustainability education and incentive given by the West java Government. Through this concept, citizens are given education about the impact of their previous behavior, one of them is the behavior of littering. The program also provides economic value to waste so that there is an incentive to maintain the condition or waste managing waste in their village. This research used Mixed Methods approach (quantitative and qualitative) and use secondary data review, direct observation and semi semi-structured interviewing to collect the data. This research found that the main factor for the success of this program is the people who willing to be open concerning the program and its concepts, thus becoming aware about their environmental problems, they willing to work for the benefit of their village. In this village the push factor are economic and re-education aspects that move the people to save their environment. The economic benefit from garbage bank also have helped this program. The obstacles to the program in this village are the lack of facilities that they have, and for cadres to teach people about the environment, the lack of the government to provide formal education for the people and the last obstacle of this program is the economic factor, low amount of sellable garbage such as PET and cans have become major obstacle in promoting garbage bank.</em></p> 2023-03-26T01:35:19+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Study of Tuff Breccia for Batik Wasterwater Treatment Media in Bayat, Klaten District, Central Java 2023-03-28T07:45:34+00:00 Wawan Budianta Johan Syafri Mahathir Ahmad I Wayan Warmada <p><em>Batik wastewater produced in the batik industry in Bayat, Klaten Regency, contains chromium and phenol, which pass the wastewater quality standard. This study aimed to evaluate the ability of tuff breccia from the study area to reduce chromium and phenol concentration in batik wastewater. Mineralogical and chemical characterization was conducted to investigate tuff breccia's mineralogical and chemical composition. A batch and regeneration test was conducted to investigate tuff breccia's ability to reduce the chromium and phenol concentration in the batik wastewater. The characterization of tuff breccia indicates that the tuff breccia consists of fragments, minerals (quartz, plagioclase), and clay minerals (smectite and illite). The batch test results show that the grain size of tuff breccia and the pH value significantly influence the ability of tuff breccia to reduce the chromium and phenol concentration in batik wastewater. The regeneration test showed that the tuff breccia would decrease the capability by up to 30 percent after five times of use.</em></p> 2023-03-26T01:36:35+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analysis of Frame Construction Strength in Belt Conveyor Design Using Ansys Workbench 2023-03-28T07:45:34+00:00 Anggi Pratama Delvis Agusman <p><em>Belt conveyor is a material transfer machine that is generally used in the industrial world to transport semi-finished production materials and products from one part to another. In making a conveyor belt, the main component is needed, namely the frame. The frame is a construction that functions as a place where the components become a unit on a machine. In this research, a simulation test will be carried out to determine the strength of the construction and the material used by the framework for component loading by providing maximum carrying capacity for variable loading. The loading given is 100kg, 200kg, 300kg, 400kg and 500kg. This test simulation uses the Ansys Workbench 2020 R2 software with the finite element analysis (FEA) method. Analysis of strength testing uses a frame model measuring 4070 mm x l500 mm x 2440 mm as the main frame which is then simulated with maximum loading variations ranging from 100 – 500kg. The analysis results from testing the strength of the construction of the conveyor belt frame against the loading variable, obtained a safety factor of 100kg = 3.70; 200kg = 3.01; 300kg = 2.67; 400kg = 2.41; 500kg = 2.16. The minimum safe limit for dynamic loads is 2 according to Dobrovolsky's "machine element" book, thus the maximum loading tolerance for the conveyor belt frame may not be more than 500 kg.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2023-03-26T01:37:26+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mitigation of Insert Separator Damage in Open-End Machines 2023-03-28T07:45:34+00:00 Filly Pravitasari AFRIANI KUSUMADEWI Feny Nurherawati <p><em>Insert separators are part of the Open-end spinning machine that plays an important role in the process of feeding the fiber to the rotor. The function of the insert separators is as a conductor of drawing sliver which has been combed into individual fibers by adjusting the angle point of the insert separators. Damage to insert separators affects the number of slub yarns in the process of making Open-end spinning yarn. Consumption of using the separator insert continuously can make damage (eroded). The damage occurred during 20 days (four weeks) of 35.25 times of observation. The number of damaged separator inserts requires a repair whether the repair is done by patching, but in fact repair by patching is not an effective way, because the age of the patch only lasts approximately 1 week. </em><em>Therefore, patch repair is not carried out, the best effort is to replace the separator insert.</em></p> 2023-03-26T01:38:17+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Motorcycle Tracking System Using Telegram Integrated Quectel L80 GPS 2023-03-28T07:45:34+00:00 Pri Hartini Ibrahim Ibrahim Reni Rahmadewi Tiara Nurhuda <p><em>Motorcycles are two-wheeled vehicles that are very common and widely used in Indonesia. At the same time, the criminal rate of motorcycle thieving also has the possibility to increase. The standard security system that motorcycles have is still ineffective. One solution to secure motorcycle from theft is adding a security system. The security system used in this research is a tracking system using a Quectel L80-R GPS connected to an ESP8266 NodeMCU which then installed on a motorcycle. The GPS then integrates with the Telegram application. Users can request the location of the motorcycle by pressing the button on the Chatbot that was previously created. Then the GPS will send a link containing the coordinates of the motorcycle location which can be opened via Google Maps. In this research, the location obtained from the GPS response is quite accurate with an average error distance of 3,06 meters in outdoor tests and 3,51 meters in indoor tests with each 30 trials in 3 different places. Thus, the tracking system using Quectel L80-R GPS can be used properly as a motorcycle security system and has been integrated with the Telegram application.</em></p> 2023-03-26T01:39:09+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Optimization of Distribution Costs with a Transportation Model in MSMEs making Tempe 2023-03-28T07:45:34+00:00 Ardhini Rhisnu Fadylla Fahriza Nurul Azizah <p>Penelitian operasional merupakan sebuah penerapan ilmiah menggunakan bantuan alat dan metode matematika dalam memecahkan suatu masalah. Model transportasi berhubungan dengan cara menentukan rencana biaya terendah dalam mengirimkan barang dari sejumlah titik ke sejumlah titik tujuan. Dalam pengiriman barang, UMKM masih kesulitan dalam menentukan biaya pasti dari pendistribusian, bahkan terkadang biaya pengiriman yang keluar jauh lebih tinggi dari perkiraan. Penelitian ini bertujuan yaitu sebagai bahan pertimbangan dalam memutuskan suatu keputusan dalam mengoptimalkan biaya distribusi di UMKM Pembuatan Tempe Cengkong. Dalam suatu persoalan distribusi, metode <em>least cost</em> dan metode <em>modified distribution</em> dinilai sebagai metode yang tepat untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut. Metode <em>least cost</em> digunakan untuk mendapatkan solusi awal dan metode <em>modified distribution</em> digunakan untuk mendapatkan solusi akhir. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan biaya optimal yang didapatkan ialah Rp. 9.523., dan proses hasil perhitungan ini dibantu dengan menggunakan <em>software</em> POM QM.</p> 2023-03-26T01:40:12+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Decision Model and Industry Optimization in Production: A Systematic Literature review 2023-03-28T07:45:34+00:00 Armando Tirta Dwilaga <p><em>This article aims to discover the modeling and optimization options relevant to production-related industrial sectors. PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-analyses) is a preferred submission method with inclusive and exclusive criteria, one of the bases for the selection made from the ScienceDirect index database only for 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 is understanding decision models and optimization with production keywords. As a result, 823 articles were converted to 100 articles and 16 articles adjacent to the final selection of 10 articles were used. The detailed results of the list of journals used as the most common references from the journal Computers &amp; Industrial Engineering are used to identify the results of this publication in more detail. The most common research model is the adaptive decision model, and the most common research methodology is quantitative. Advanced research with sophisticated applications from the latest technologies such as AI (Machine Learning) to (Deep Learning), this wider and varied use of data includes unstructured or unorganized data so that new concepts will lead to new decision model system innovations, still relatively little additional research that can be used in the realm of production in assembly, process quality, and the environment.</em></p> 2023-03-26T01:41:07+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analysis of the Influence of Occupational Health Aspects at PT. Plasticolors Eka Perkasa on Employee Performance 2023-03-28T07:45:34+00:00 Chairul Falah Risma Fitriani <p>Kesehatan kerja merupakan sebuah usaha berupa implementasi peraturan-peraturan yang telah ditetapkan guna memastikan kondisi kesehatan fisik dan sosial karyawan tetap terjaga sehingga aktivitas pekerjaan dapat dilakukan secara optimal. PT. Plasticolors Eka Perkasa merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang berkiprah dalam aktivitas industri pewarnaan plastik. Kondisi pekerjaan tersebut secara tidak langsung membuat karyawan mengalami interaksi dengan zat kimia yang dapat membahayakan kesehatan sehingga mengakibatkan aktivitas kerja menjadi tidak optimal. Kondisi dimana terdapat risiko paparan zat kimia yang diterima karyawan membuat perusahaan perlu mempertimbangkan aspek kesehatan karyawan secara lebih lanjut. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan maksud untuk mengetahui pengaruh aspek kesehatan kerja atas kinerja karyawan. Analisis pengolahan data dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan metode pengujian <em>rank spearman</em>. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan nilai signifikansi (sig) 0,024 &lt; 0,05 sehingga hasil hipotesis menyatakan bahwa ditemukan suatu korelasi antara aspek kesehatan kerja dengan kinerja karyawan. Koefisien korelasi bernilai p = 0,671 yang menunjukkan variabel memiliki tingkat hubungan yang kuat dengan arah hubungan bersifat positif.</p> 2023-03-26T01:41:55+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Re-Layout of Puskesmas X Post-Covid 19 Pandemic Through the ARC, Conventional and Promodel Simulation Methods 2023-03-28T07:45:34+00:00 Tombak Gapura Bhagya Dini Yulianti diniyulianti.167@gmail.comv Graha Prakarsa Antari Nurayban Gitardiana <p><em>The Community Health Center (Puskemas) is the foremost and closest place to provide health services to the community. With the BPJS and complete facilities, the Puskesmas is now almost the favorite of the people to get health-related consultation and treatment. So this study tries to make an analysis of puskesmas services and evaluate the layout and queues in the puskesmas using Promodel simulations. The simulation is used because of the fluctuating number of patients who come every day, so that with the simulation the process of estimating patient arrivals can be carried out using statistical distribution estimates. The results of this study indicate the need for a new layout change, where with this new layout the patient's time in the system can be reduced and the need for adding doctors to 2 to 3 people to cut the number of queues that have accumulated waiting to be examined by a doctor. If the point of adding doctors cannot be met, then the puskesmas can provide adequate waiting room facilities for patients who will be examined by a doctor. The ideal number of waiting room seats for patients waiting to be examined by a doctor is 38 seats.</em></p> 2023-03-26T01:42:56+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Evaluation of the Mental Workload of PSIT Employees at SIT XYZ Institutions 2023-03-28T07:45:34+00:00 Teguh Aprianto Agus Rahmat Hermawanto Rimba Krisnha Sukma Dewi Angling Sugiatna Abdul Fatah <p><em>The results of the Subjective Self Rating Test (SSRT) questionnaire in the Information and Technology System Development section showed that workers experienced symptoms of severe head, fatigue, drowsiness, yawning, forgetfulness, awkwardness and stiffness. This indicates a problematic workload. This study aims to see the level of mental workload of each staff. The method in this study used NASA-TLX. Based on calculations, it was found that staff 4 has a mental workload score of 84.67 which means it is very high, staff 6 has a mental workload score of 27.33 with a low category, and for other staff has a high mental workload, which is a range of values from 66 to 74.67.</em></p> 2023-03-26T01:44:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Genetic Algorithm for Improving Route of Travelling Salesman Problem Generated by Savings Algorithm 2023-03-28T07:45:34+00:00 Muhammad Ardhya Bisma Ekra Sanggala <p><em>Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) is the problem for finding the shortest route starting from start node then visiting number of nodes exactly once and finally go back to start node. If a TSP has a lot of nodes, it will be a NP-Hard Problem. Algorithms working based on heuristic and metaheuristic can be a solution for solving NP-Hard Problem. Savings Algorithm is a heuristic algorithm, so it’s solution may be not the best solution, therefore there is a chance to improve it. Genetic Algorithm is a metaheuristic that can be applied on many optimization problems, including TSP. This paper will discuss about GA for improving route TSP generated by Savings Algorithm. On testing of 10 instances, showing that algorithm based on GA can improve route of TSP generated by Savings Algorithm.</em></p> 2023-03-26T01:44:58+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Noodle Grouping Based on Nutritional Similarity with Hierarchical Cluster Analysis Method 2023-03-28T07:45:34+00:00 Ai Nurhayati Riri Mardaweni Raden Meina Widiastuti <p><em>Everyone in the world definitely needs nutritious food. Therefore consumers must be smart in choosing nutritious foods. Noodles are a type of food that is popular in Indonesia.</em> <em>The purpose of this study was to classify fourteen types of noodle brands based on the similarity in the amount of nutritional content in each component. The method used in this study is a hierarchical cluster type</em><em> analysis method with the SPSS software tool. The results showed that the fourteen types of noodles can be classified into clusters between two and four. Classification into two clusters shows that there are four types of noodle brands that are nutritionally similar in one cluster A and there are ten types of noodle brands that are similar in nutritional content in one cluster B.</em></p> 2023-03-26T01:45:48+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##
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